What Should You Expect?

Happy Room! 

The Happy Room is available all of 1st and 2nd services for nursing moms or any parents who feel more comfortable watching the service live on the tv, while their babies, toddlers, or preschoolers play.

We love seeing the littles in service and learning how to worship our Savior. What an example for them to see their mommas and daddies worshipping and hearing the Word, BUT we also, understand that sometimes parents feel more comfortable with their kiddos in a room with toys. So, the Happy Room will be available whenever you might need it.



The Marketplace will be open on the last Sunday of every month.

All children can earn MarketPlace money by bringing their Bibles, wearing their lanyards, and memorizing the Bible verse. If your child does not have a Bible and you are unable to get one for them, please let us know and we can make that happen.


9:00 AM Service:

Check-In ALL kiddos when you arrive.

Uptown Kids (0-5 year-olds) go straight to the Park Room after checking in. Downtown Kids (K-5th) go to family worship with parents, until just before the message.

After the worship in song/just before the message, kids will be dismissed.



Parents of 0-5 year-olds will walk kids to their class to drop them off.

Nursery 0-2 year-olds.

Pre-K & 3-5 year-olds.



Our K-5 kiddos will head to the lobby, where their teachers will walk downstairs to class with them.

At the end of the service, all kids can be picked up in their classrooms. Please bring a pickup tag to give to the teacher. K-5 kiddos will be in the large group room downstairs.



Check-In ALL kiddos when you arrive.

Uptown Kids (0-5 year-olds) go straight to the Park Room after checking in. Downtown Kids (K-5th) go to family worship together until just before the message.

After the worship in song/just before the message, kids will be dismissed. 



Parents of 0-5 year-olds will walk kids to their class to drop them off.

Nursery 0-2 year-olds.

Pre-K & 3-5 year-olds.



Our K-3 kiddos will head to the lobby, where their teachers will walk downstairs to class with them.

At the end of the service, all kids can be picked up in their classrooms. Please bring a pickup tag to give to the teacher. K-5 kiddos will be in the large group room downstairs.