Heaven - Adult Study

Sunday Mornings

9 AM - Fellowship Hall

Most people only have a “Hollywood” knowledge of heaven. Sure, there are unanswered questions about the “other side,” but the Bible contains a wealth of information that virtually goes unnoticed. Shouldn’t you have some idea about the end you are hurtling to at this very moment? 

Meaningful Moms - We mom together

Tuesday, February 11 & 25

9 AM 

On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month Meaningful Moms, a practical and spiritual ministry to mothers with children living at home, come together for encouragement and strengthening in their walk as women of faith.

Women's Study

Monday Mornings

10 AM - Fellowship Hall

We'll be meeting in the Fellowship Hall downstairs using "The Chosen" video series covering the life of Jesus and expanding our study through the Interactive Bible Study, "God's Goodness for the Chosen."

Blood Drive

Monday February 24

10 AM - 4 PM Fellowship Hall

Our church is hosting a blood drive with the American Red Cross on Monday, February 24. 


If you are able to donate, we'd like to invite you so sign up for a spot on our schedule. You can register HERE!


Heaven - Adult Study

Sunday Mornings

9 AM - Fellowship Hall

Most people only have a “Hollywood” knowledge of heaven. Sure, there are unanswered questions about the “other side,” but the Bible contains a wealth of information that virtually goes unnoticed. Shouldn’t you have some idea about the end you are hurtling to at this very moment? 

Meaningful Moms - We mom together

Tuesday, March 11 & 25

9 AM 

On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month Meaningful Moms, a practical and spiritual ministry to mothers with children living at home, come together for encouragement and strengthening in their walk as women of faith.

Women's Study

Monday Mornings

10 AM - Fellowship Hall

We'll be meeting in the Fellowship Hall downstairs using "The Chosen" video series covering the life of Jesus and expanding our study through the Interactive Bible Study, "God's Goodness for the Chosen."

Missouri Christian Convention

March 14-15

Ozark Christian College

Missouri Christian Convention is a conference at Lake of the Ozarks designed to encourage, challenge, and connect the local christian church to the mission of Jesus! Our 2025 convention is at the Lodge of Four Seasons March 14-15. This year's theme is "The Call."


To register click here!

FCC - who are we?

March 29

First Christian Church 10 AM - 3 PM

FCC – who are we?




Sign up below to attend a seminar that reviews our church's history and explores how it has influenced and will continue to shape our future ministry here at FCC. 


Saturday, March 29th, 

10 AM - 3 PM. – No Child Care


Guest Speaker/Teacher Dr. Don Sanders from The Merold Institute and Harvester Christian Church


To register click here!


Women's Event

April 4-5

Ozark Christian College

Women’s Event exists to encourage, equip, and empower women everywhere. This weekend event includes biblical teaching, corporate worship, personal application time, and several electives to engage women in community and equip them for what God has called them to do.


To register click here!




Stay up to date with all of the church happenings going on throughout the month! Make sure to check back from time to time, as we are always up to something!